Sample post and caption

Even though my birthday is [insert month], I wanted to show my support for the campaign from @betterbirthdaysorg, @endageismtogether, and @agefriendlyvibes.

Birthdays are the perfect time to spread age-positive beliefs, which research shows can impact longevity by up to 7.5 years!

Please share this post and participate by sharing your picture with the hashtag #notafraidofmybirthday

Visit for more information and to download the toolkit.


Join our social media campaign

Since we effectively spread the word in November, we’d like to keep the momentum going! When it’s your birthday, let the world know that you believe in the power of a positive mindset about aging by posting a photo of yourself with the hastag #NotAfraidofMyBirthday.

Let’s join together and change the narrative from birthdays being a time of decline, depression, and dementia to being a time to celebrate all of your years!

By sharing a picture on social media with the hashtag #NotAfraidofMyBirthday , you’ll

  • Let your friends, family, and colleagues know you are not afraid of aging!

  • Use birthdays as a way to spread age-positive beliefs

  • Take action against #ageism and join the pro-age movement!

We can't wait to see what we all create collectively for #NotAfraidofMyBirthday

More Sample Posts

  • Option 2 - Make a sign and snap a selfie!

    You may need to flip the photo in your editing app, but this is an easy way to show your support for the campaign!


    I believe birthdays should be celebrated and not feared!

    Participate in this campaign by @betterbirthdaysorg by sharing a picture with the hashtag #notafraidofmybirthday

  • Option 3 - Add text to a birthday photo!

    Find a photo of you celebrating your birthday. Add the hashtag #notafraidofmybirthday using your favorite photo editing app. I used Canva!


    I’m proud to celebrate my birthday every year!

    Even though my birthday is June, I wanted to show my support for the campaign from @betterbirthdaysorg, @endageismtogether, and @agefriendlyvibes

    Please share this post and participate by sharing your picture with the hashtag #notafraidofmybirthday

  • BONUS Option - Add a frame to your profile picture!

    It’s easy to add our #NotAfraidofMyBirthday frame to your LinkedIn or Facebook profile photo!

    Open your profile photo in your favorite photo editing app (like Canva), and add the profile-photo-frame.png file from our toolkit to your image.

    Save and upload your new profile photo to LinkedIn or Facebook!